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Premium Kenya & Tanzania

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
15 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 10.220,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Du wohnst im Herzen des Lake Nakuru Nationalparks und hältst Ausschau nach den vom Aussterben bedrohten Spitz- und Breitmaulnashörnern. Besuche das Elsamere Conservation Centre und genieße einen High Tea zum Mittagessen, bevor du bei einer Bootsfahrt auf dem Naivasha-See Flusspferde und eine einzigartige Vogelwelt beobachtest.
  • Besuche eine lokale Massai-Gemeinschaft, die dafür bekannt ist, sich für die Gesundheit und Bildung der Massai-Frauen einzusetzen. Lass dich von den traditionellen Gesängen und Tänzen der Massai-Krieger begrüßen und erfahre mehr über diese bemerkenswerte und alte Kultur.
  • Verbringe drei unvergessliche Nächte inmitten der Natur in deinem Camp, das tief im Masai Mara Wildreservat liegt. Halte auf mehreren 4x4-Pirschfahrten Ausschau nach Löwen und Geparden, die durch den Park streifen, und genieße einen Drink bei Sonnenuntergang im Park.
  • Schlafe im Herzen der Serengeti - ohne Zäune bietet dein Öko-Camp eine wilde Umgebung und modernen Komfort. Iss und trinke unter dem afrikanischen Himmel bei einem privaten Buschdinner und genieße erfrischende Drinks bei Sonnenuntergang nach einem aufregenden Tag voller Pirschfahrten.
  • Erkunde den abwechslungsreichen Tarangire-Nationalpark und den spektakulären Ngorongoro-Krater, der zum Weltnaturerbe gehört, im offenen Geländewagen. Lass dich von einer Vielzahl von Wildtieren überraschen und genieße ein Picknick auf dem Kraterboden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 10.220,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Kenya! Your adventure begins in the capital city, Nairobi. You will be collected from the airport for a short transfer to your hotel, where you will meet your local leader and small group for a 6pm welcome meeting. If you arrive before this time, your wonderful hotel offers plenty to keep you occupied – overlooking the Nairobi National park, you can enjoy spectacular views of zebras, giraffes, antelope and buffalo lounging near the waterhole. There’s also a fantastic restaurant, swimming pool and large deck for spotting wildlife. After your meeting, head out with your leader and fellow travellers to a colourful roadside restaurant offering traditional favourites with a modern touch. Sharing food is a big part of the culture here and a great way to get to know your new travel companions – enjoy sharing platters and tasty sides like samosas, fried plantains and tilapia.
  2. Tag 2

    Lake Naivasha / Lake Nakuru

    Depart Nairobi for Elsamere after breakfast and head north, driving along the escarpment of the Great Rift Valley. Elsamere is the former home of the writer Joy Adamson, whose 1960 book 'Born Free' helped bring wildlife conservation into the mainstream. The house is a veritable museum dedicated to the works of Joy and George Adamson, with many photos of Elsa, the lioness that started it all. Enjoy a high tea lunch on the very grounds Joy cherished for so many years. You'll then embark on a boat trip on Lake Naivasha, the highest of all lakes in the Great Rift Valley and home to many a hippopotamus. Later, enjoy lunch with the lake as a serene backdrop. After lunch, continue to your Lake Nakuru lodge, arriving in the early evening. From your lodge you’ll enjoy remarkable views of Lake Nakuru and the surrounding national park, alive with the call of birds and rich in wildlife. What better way to take it all in than from your lodge’s infinity pool.
  3. Tag 3

    Lake Nakuru National Park

    This morning you will visit Lake Nakuru National Park by four-wheel drive vehicle (4x4) – the park’s lake is its stunning centrepiece. Mornings can be cold here so it's important to bring warm clothes. You might see why this great soda lake has been described as the world's greatest ornithological spectacle; great seas of flamingos often turn the landscape a sweeping shade of pink. Flooding in recent years has unfortunately caused a decline in birdlife, however the park boasts substantial numbers of other species, including waterbuck, reedbuck and gazelle. Leopards are also to be found here, and the chances of sighting one are significant. Return to the lodge and take some time out for lunch, then head back out for another afternoon game drive. Keep your eyes peeled for one of Africa's most endangered creatures, the elusive black rhinoceros. While white rhino sightings are fairly common, spotting a black rhinoceros is a real treat.
  4. Tag 4

    Masai Mara National Reserve

    Head southwest to the Masai Mara, one of the finest game reserves in Africa. Cross the striking Great Rift Valley and pass by the remote region of Loita Hills, home of the Maasai people. This is one of the few places they still practice their traditional way of life with little influence from the western world. Stop at Tepesua Village where you’ll be welcomed by Maasai Warriors by way of traditional song and dance. Meet your Maasai hosts, take a walk to the community village and enjoy a fascinating talk full of insights into this remarkable and ancient culture. The village offers support, safety and economic growth through the ‘Tepesua Widows Income Project’. Widowed women are engaged in sewing eco-friendly handicrafts to sell to visitors and locals. Learn about village life and be shown around a traditional Maasai home, and their cattle enclosures. Continue on your journey and arrive at the Ashnil Mara Camp, your feature stay accommodation for the next three nights. Positioned in the Masai Mara National Reserve near the Mara River, there’s few better settings for wildlife lovers. Spacious permanent tents feature large, comfortable beds, en suite bathrooms and private wooden decks offering unbeatable views of the plains and wildlife reserve. Blending seamlessly with its surroundings, the camp connects the wilderness with modern comforts, and staying here is really something special.
  5. Tag 5

    Masai Mara National Reserve

    Explore more of the park by 4x4 today with further game drives in the morning and afternoon. Witness the wonderful procession of wildlife that inhabits the area. Wildebeest, zebra and gazelle are plentiful, and you might even spot predators keeping a casual eye on their movements. Elephants, giraffes and elands are also commonly sighted, along with plenty of bird life. The area is known for its rolling green plains and riverine woodlands, and amongst the many species of game, a black-maned lion, leopard or cheetah might appear, with some luck. As the sun starts to set, stop and take a moment to soak it all in with a drink in hand – there’s few better ways to wrap up a day of wildlife spotting in one of the world’s most magical places. As dusk falls, a variety of animals might be visible in the vicinity of your camp also.
  6. Tag 6

    Masai Mara National Reserve

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9

    Tarangire National Park

  10. Tag 10

    Ngorongoro Highlands

  11. Tag 11

    Serengeti National Park

  12. Tag 12

    Serengeti National Park

  13. Tag 13

    Ngorongoro Conservation Area

  14. Tag 14

    Ngorongoro Highlands

  15. Tag 15


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (2 Nächte), Lodge (5 Nächte) Ständiges Zeltlager (7 Nächte)
  • 14x Frühstück
  • 11x Mittagessen
  • 13x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Nairobi - Willkommensessen
  • Naivasha-See - Bootsfahrt
  • Naivashasee - Elsamere Conservation Centre
  • Kiambu Tigoni - Eden Wiederaufforstungsprojekt
  • Lake Nakuru - Nachmittags 4x4 Game Drive
  • Lake Nakuru - morgendliche 4x4 Pirschfahrt
  • Loita Hills - Kulturgespräch und Dorfbesuch
  • Masai Mara - Sundowner und Snacks
  • Masai Mara - Ganztägige 4x4 Pirschfahrt
  • Masai Mara - Nachmittags 4x4 Game Drive
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Arusha - Willkommensessen
  • Tarangire National Park - Nachmittags 4x4 Pirschfahrt
  • Tarangire-Nationalpark - morgendliche 4x4-Pirschfahrt
  • Mto Wa Mbu - Marktbesuch
  • Serengeti National Park - 4x4 Game Drive
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - Sundowner im Park
  • Serengeti National Park - Nachmittags 4x4 Game Drive
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - morgendliche 4x4-Pirschfahrt
  • Ngorongoro Krater - 4WD Game Drive
  • Karatu - Kaffee Tour


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Nairobi, Kenya
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